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Welcome to St. Francis Ecumenical Catholic Church where  ALL ARE WELCOME! Come join us in worship and celebrate our Catholic, Christian identity with the seven Sacraments. We are truly "INCLUSIVE" and hope that our website highlights the wide variety of worship, fellowship and service opportunities available. Please feel free to read more about our church on this site, or come in for a visit. We would love to greet you and share with you our love for Jesus Christ and for you, our neighbor.

Our Mission


We believe that the door to salvation is always open to everyone and so are the doors to our church.


To live by FAITH, be known by LOVE, and be a voice of HOPE in order to give ourselves in service and better the lives of others.



St. Francis offers "ALL Loving Couples" the traditional Catholic Sacrament and  setting for your most sacred celebration. Noninclusive circumstances, that are so denied by other churches may prevent couples from celebrating a true catholic marriage ceremony; we here, warmly welcome "All" at Saint Francis, to include also the:  divorced, same sex, (LGBTQ).

Worship & Services
Sunday 10:30 am. Mass:


We continue to meet via zoom and in person. Please call the church office for zoom meeting information.

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                                January 12, 2025​
                       The Baptism of the Lord
After the Lord was baptised, the heavens were opened, and the Spirit decended upon him like a dove, and the voice of the Father thundered: This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased.


Almighty God, to you all hearts are open,

All desires known and from you no secrets are hid: Cleanse the thoughts of our hearts.  By the inspiration of your Holy Spirit, that we may perfectly love you, and worthily magnify your holy Name.  Through Jesus Christ our Lord.     Amen

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First Reading                                                    Second Reading                                                               Gospel

Isaish 40:1-5, 9-11                                                  Titus 2;11-14, 3:4-7                                             Luke 3:15-16, 21-22


The baptism of Jesus is what we could call an interpretative key to understanding his ministry.  Just as the Israelites passed through the waters as they fled from slavery in Egypt and as they entered the Promised Land, Jesus, as the Lord of a new Exodus, also passes through the waters.   The gospel is the story of a new and greater Exodus.  But there is a price to pay.  As the public ministry is Jesus is about to get underway, his baptism in the waters of the River Jordan anticipates the baptism that that Jesus must still receive, his suffering and death.

The Baptism of the Lord is a profound moment in the liturgical calendar that marks the beginning of Jesus’ public ministry. Celebrated annually, this event highlights the humility of Christ as He chooses to be baptized by John the Baptist in the River Jordan. It signifies His acceptance of His mission to bring salvation to humanity and serves as a powerful reminder of the grace bestowed upon us through the sacrament of baptism.

This week delves into the theological and spiritual significance of the Baptism of the Lord. It reflects on Jesus’ example of obedience and humility, the revelation of the Holy Trinity during His baptism, and its call to us as baptized Christians to live a life rooted in faith, love, and service.


Gods Blessings


Lord of life, you nourish us with Bread from Heaven so that we may one day join you in the kingdom. We pray to the God of Mercy for our own needs and for the special intentions of others… For those who work to change the systemic injustice that perpetuates food insecurity: that they know the support of faith communities working for social justice,
For those suffering from mental illness and suicidal thoughts because they want to give up: that God grace them with the courage to reach out and the kindness of another who hears their despair.
For the Church, that we live in love as Christ has loved us, leading with forgiveness and unity and letting go of malice and bitterness that foster divisions.
For all nations, that their leaders and citizens strive to care for all people equally, living kindly and compassionately,
we pray to the Lord...

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Priest:  Fr. Patrick Wenrick


Let Us Pray for……. 

Sophia Kotras, who was hit by a truck on Christmas morning. She had surgery and she is recovering well. Prayers for peace comfort and a full recovery. 1/5

Andi Slaybaugh, friend of Deb & DJ, who passed away on Christmas Eve. For the repose of her soul and prayers of peace & comfort for her family. 12/25

Connie Cuebas who is now in rehab after suffering a fall and being hopsitalized. Prayers for healing, peace and comfort for her. 12/25

Artie Van Houghten who is recovering from a fall. Prayers for healing, comfort and a return to full health. 12/25

James O’Bier, Frank Matzelle’s nephew who passed away Dec. 15th.  Prayers for the repose of his soul and for peace and comfort for his family. 12/22

Ashley Jarvis, daughter of Cheryl & Mike Velez, dealing with severe health issues. Prayers for peace, comfort, healing and a return to full health.  12/22 

Deacon Bob and Deb Imbach, as they begin their studies to the priesthood and diaconate. May the Holy Spirit enlighten their minds and fill their hearts.

Marty Barnett, Sharon Meade’s sister, who passed away on 11/17. May she rest in peace Prayers of comfort for Sharon, Lorraine and their family. 11/24

Joe Frey, Frank Matzelle’s cousin. Who was hospitalized and passed with heart issues.  May he rest in peace. Prayers of comfort for his family.  11/3

Karen Vanvyve, friend of Debi Imbach, dealing with new medical issues that have risen 10/27

Jeannie Christie and her husband who are both dealing with health challenges. May God’s healing touch be upon them with peace and comfort. 9/22

Tom O’Grady, John’s brother had spinal surgery and is still dealing with severe back pain. Prayers for healing, comfort and relief from his pain. 12/25

Fr. Martin, a friend of Fr. Pat, he is recovering from heart surg in Sept and is looking for a new place to live. Prayers of healing, and comfort for him. 11/24

Luanne Jolly, a friend of DJ & Deb, who is experiencing severe health issues. Fror peace and comfort for her, we pray. 8/25

Matthew, John Swatek’s 32 y/o nephew who is in a coma after a tragic car accident. Prayers of peace & comfort for him, his wife and their 5 kids. 8/18

Fr. Tom & Marge Wilt, who are now home and doing somewhat better. Prayers for strength, healing and comfort and a return to full health. 12/25

Michael Ureichuck, who is still recovering from spinal surgery a few months ago. Prayers for healing, peace, comfort and a return to full health. 11/24

Charles Harshbarger, a friend of St. Francis who has been moved to long-term care. Continued prayers of peace and comfort for him. 12/08

Marion Gregory, aunt of Sue Wenrick, who is in rehab and dealing with dementia and other medical issues. Continued prayers for peace & comfort. 9/1

For the people of Ukraine, Israel, and Gaza, that the wars will end soon and they can begin the process of piecing their lives and & countries back together.

For those who are mourning the loss of a loved one. May God’s healing touch be upon them and comfort them in their loss. We will see them again!!!

For those who are dealing with mental illness and addictions, and for their families, may God’s healing touch be upon them.

For those who have been killed, injured, or affected by the continued mass shootings in our country. Let us pray for sensibility and peace.

who are dealing with mental illness and addictions, and for their families, may God’s healing touch be upon them.

CARDS – Sympathy, Mass Cards are available at the church.

"No matter what has happened to you in the past or what is going on in your life right now, it has no power to keep you from having an amazingly good future if you will walk by faith in God. God loves you! He wants you to live with victory over sin so you can possess His promises for your life today!" 


Peace and Blessings,

Deacon Bob Pragano

St. Francis Latest News

All Are Welcome To Come And Share Along With Us

The Holy Eucharist









In Christ's Love & Peace

Each Sunday  10:30 am


“ A Different Way To Be Catholic ”, where all are welcome – no exceptions..
Priest - Fr. Patrick Wenrick
Assisted by
Fr. Tom Wilt, Fr. Jake Czarnik-Neimeyer, Deacon Bob Pragano
MASS Each Sunday at 10:30 am.
We Celebrate Unity in Diversity





The Interfaith Food Pantry is now open to clients Monday, Tuesday and Thursday.  The hours of operation will continue to be 9:30 am - 1:00.  pm  located at:

         9530 Starkey Rd, Seminole, FL 33777



If you wish to donate to the IFP, here is a list of items that are needed at this time.

Cereal - the food pantry does not buy cereal, so donations are important.

Other Items:

Soup (not broth), Ramen Noodles, Tuna (cans), Meat (stew, Spam, ham, chicken, etc.), Fruit (cans), Vegetables (cans), Pork & Beans (Baked Beans), Instant Oatmeal (indiv. pkgs), Breakfast Bars, Chef Boyardee, Manwich, Hash, Chili Spaghetti or Pasta (boxes), Spaghetti Sauce (Pasta Sauce), Pudding & Jello (small boxes), Peanut Butter Jelly/Jam (no glass), White Potatoes (cans or pkgs), Coffee-ground (no K-cups or flavors), Plain White Rice (not Minute), Mac & Cheese, Cereal (boxes), Black Beans, Misc. Beans (not dry), Tomatoes (Diced, Sauce, Paste), Tea Bags (not Family Size or Iced Tea), Crackers (in sleeves) Brownie Mix, Stuffing, Gravy (cans).

Not needed: Snacks, Candy, Beverages (no juice, soda, etc)


Thank You and God's Blessings! 



Church Council Meeting

February 15, 2025 10:00 am




To our Church Social gatherings after Sunday Mass 




Hope To See You Soon



At Saint Francis

Ecumenical Catholic Communion 

We Celebrate Unity in Diversity


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Lord Jesus teaches us, to be obedient, to His Word, to be in relationship, with Him. All familial relationships could be experienced, in Him by seeking His presence, in our lives. Master Jesus give us the grace, to always be obedient, to Your commandments, of Love, Mercy, and Justice, towards our brethren.   Amen.
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"Your Gift is a Blessing"

 Saint Francis Ecumenical Catholic Church

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